All type of speech in parts of speech in English Grammar
Here in english grammar are 8 types of speech in parts of speech in English grammar.
These are such as follows:
How to learn parts of speech in English Grammar
Definitions of Every Parts Of Speech in English Grammar
1. Defination of Noun with examples
Noun is a kind of word that is using to express a name all objects,all persons,all things,and others.
Examples: Ram, Cat, Table etc
Using in a sentence | Ram is a good Boy
In this sentence Ram is a subject because it express a name of a person and the 'boy' express a kind of noun.
2.Defination Of Pronoun with examples
Pronoun is an another word which is used in an alternative word in place of noun.
Examples: he,she,it,they,these,those etc.
Using in a sentence|He reads a book.
Here in this sentence you can watch this underlined word.why it is underlined? Because it is a pronoun.when you can use a word in place of noun it's called pronoun. In this above sentence 'he' indicates a type of pronoun.
3.Defination Of Adjective with examples
When we are using some words to indicates a noun or the pronoun's condition,quality, position and numbers .This is called an adjective.
Examples: good,bad,short,poor,red,etc
Using in a sentence |The rose is beautiful.
Watch this underlined word.It is an Adjective because it express the quality of the rose.
Examples of every parts of speech
4.Definatiin Of Adverb with examples
Verb is used to express an action or any kind of work and activities.
Examples: do,go,come,play,read,write etc
Using in a sentence | I am playing football.
Who plays football ? I am playing football .In this sentence 'play' express a type of work and so this is called 'verb'.
5.Defination Of Adverb with examples
Adverb means a type of word that is used to discuss an adjective or the qualities of a verb.
Examples: Slowly,quickly,fast,very etc.
Using in a sentence | sita sings very sweetly.
Here in this above sentence sita is singing a sweet song. How does she sings?
Very Sweetly .Here 'very' is an adverb because it indicates the value of her song.
6.Defination Of Preposition with examples
Preposition is a word which is used to make a connection between noun, pronoun and any other phrase in English.
Examples: in,on,into,under,after,between etc.
Using in a sentence |The doll fall into the bucket water.
Here 'the doll' means a noun and the bucket water means a noun. Here in this sentense "into" is a connective word among these two nouns to made a sentence in this above line 'into' means a preposition in this above sentence.
7.Defination Of Conjunction with examples
Conjunction is a middle word.conjunction is used to make a connection between two sentences or clauses to transfer in one clause.
Examples: and,or,but etc
Using in a sentence | I have a bat and a ball.
There is two sentences
In the above line 'I have a bat' and 'I have a ball' . But we make it a properly single sentence by joining those 2 sentences .However this bonding word 'and ' is a connective conjunction.
8.Defination of Interjection with examples
Interjection express an abrupt critical condition or any other critical situation
Examples: oh!hurrah!no!etc
Using in a sentence |Oh ! It's too cold.
Here ' oh ' indicates an expression of critical situation . This is the way we can easily indicates the expressive condition and situation in Interjection.