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Showing posts from June, 2021

Discuss To his coy Mistress as a metaphysical love poem.

Discuss To his coy Mistress as a metaphysical love poem. To his Coy Mistress  is marvell's best known poem and it ranks among the finest of metaphysical poetry.The poem betrays the agility of wit,the brilliant use of conceits and images,that scrupuloys intellectual,construction qnd that fine play of levity and seriousness,jest and earnestness which many crities single out as typical,metaphysical traits characterizing the poems of Donne. The theme is a commonplace in european poetry the theme of carpediem, gather the rose buds while ye may". But the rhetoric in which the theme is couched,shows the argumentative disposition.The structure is an argumentative syllologism explicity slated'.Had we but world,enough and time,the speaker says this coyness,lady were no crime.." "But at my back I always hear Times winged chriot,hurting wear ..Let us sport us while we may". It we had all the time and space in the world,we could delay consummation.But we do not therefore...